Navid Malekghaini's Personal Blog

My personal weblog for sharing and storing some of my activities related to computer science over the internet

Navid Malekghaini's Personal Blog

My personal weblog for sharing and storing some of my activities related to computer science over the internet

Navid Malekghaini's Personal Blog

Navid Malekghaini

Senior Software Developer @ Arctic Wolf
Prev. Senior SWE and Resaercher @ Huawei Canada, University of Waterloo x Orange R&D

University of Waterloo
Department of computer science
200 University Ave W, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada

contact me
navidmalekedu (AT) gmail (DOT) com [ Primary Email ]
nmalekgh (AT) uwaterloo (DOT) ca

From dirty data to knowledge with the application of AI: Full pipeline (Click for more info)
Language: Python - Related fields: Machine Learning & Data Science - Libraries: Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, PyTorch, Keras/Tensorflow
- Designed and analyzed a pipeline for assessing, preprocessing, and analyzing data including data cleaning, visualization, statistical analysis
- Implemented, tuned performance, and investigated various ML techniques with thorough experiments for different classification tasks

Implemented, tuned, and compared empirically advance Reinforcement Learning algorithms including: deep models (Click for more info)
Language: Python - Related fields: Machine Learning & Data Science - Libraries: Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, PyTorch, Keras/Tensorflow


Netbill Secure Transaction Protocol Implementation, Based on NetBill Protocol Paper (Click for more info)
Language: Python - Related fields: Data & Network Security - Libraries: OpenSSL, Python Crypto Libraries(RSA,AES), Python OS libs
- Implemented a secure protocol for sending/receiving digital products over insecure network using symmetric encryption (mainly AES) libraries
- Used MIT Kerberos for secure generating & validating of Tickets and user authentication
- Used Asymmetric encryption libraries (mainly RSA) for data validation (signature) and distribution of symmetric keys

Linux Kernel Development Projects - Linux Kernel Modules & System Calls mostly
Language: C - Related fields: Operating Systems & Computer Networks - Libraries: Kernel related libraries, processes, hardwares, networks
- Altered Linux’s Kernel Source Code and implemented plugin scripts for further functionalities inside Linux kernel with user space control
- Altered the network card driver code and network kernel structures for manipulating incoming/outgoing packets in the system
- Manipulating processes at kernel level, such as a LKM that gathers information about RAM addresses of different segments of processes
- Other SysCalls manipulating hardwares, such as CPU cores by interacting with their drivers

Multiplayer Game Website
Language: JavaScript - Related Fields: Web Programming & Performance Engineering - Libraries: NodeJS, React, Parse, Express.js
- Implemented an online browser based game, playable with bot or friends at the same computer
- Further Implemented online multiplayer support with help of MongoDB for scalability and Parse’s LiveQuery APIs for performance
- Successfully tested and evaluated the performance of website with load testing, including number of concurrent users playing at the same time

Computer Architecture Projects
Tools: Quartus Prime, Simple Scalar - Related fields: Computer Architecture
- Design and implementation of a simple 32-bit CPU in Quartus Prime (including: DataPath, Control Unit, ALU, Register Files)
- Further added more operations support with micro instructions and ROM
- Simulate and Perfomance test of cache memory by using SimpleScalar tool


An online e-commerce transactional system for international payments & services
Language: JavaScript - Related Fields: System Analysis & Design, Web Programming - Libraries: NodeJS, React, Parse, Express.js, Selenium

- System Analysis & Design course project

- Wrote detailed system proposal, Design & implemented the system with a test driven approach

Online Ride-hailing Application
Language: Python, SQL - Related fields: Database Design - Libraries: psycopg2, tkinter
- Design and implementation of an online ride-hailing application with its desktop based GUI

Air Traffic Control Game for PC
Language: C - Related fields: Computer Programming - Libraries: GTK+, gstreamer, (NO game engine)
- With support of Load, Save, Pause, and multiple maps
- gstreamer for shadow effects, Animation support for graphical effects, Simple physics for wind simulation

IT Project Management
Tools: Microsoft Project,  Related fields: Project Management, Risk Analysis & Management, Strategic Planning & Management
- Managed an IT project from the very begining to the end (closing) using Microsoft Project

Shell Scripts & Programs
Language: BASH, Python - Related fields: Research & Practical Usage
- Many scripts, tools, and programs related to my research (data-set gathering) and practical usages

Mini 2D-Dota Alike Game for PC
Language: Java - Related fields: Computer Programming  - Libraries: JavaFX

Other Projects
- Signal Processing  (Used Matlab for low-pas\high-pass filtering signals)
- Computer Structure & Language (Implemented couple of computer programs with X86 and IBM-360 assembly language)

- E-Commerce projects  (Designed and Implemented an application prototype with detailed bussiness plan and business model)

- Computer Simulation (With Python and Matlab)

- Software Engineering (Overhauled a computer system from the requirement analysis to perfomance tests with SE techniques)

- Computer Networks (Many socket programming projects using C and Python, Computer network simulation with PacketTracer)