Navid Malekghaini's Personal Blog

My personal weblog for sharing and storing some of my activities related to computer science over the internet

Navid Malekghaini's Personal Blog

My personal weblog for sharing and storing some of my activities related to computer science over the internet

Navid Malekghaini's Personal Blog

Navid Malekghaini

Senior Software Developer @ Arctic Wolf
Prev. Senior SWE and Resaercher @ Huawei Canada, University of Waterloo x Orange R&D

University of Waterloo
Department of computer science
200 University Ave W, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada

contact me
navidmalekedu (AT) gmail (DOT) com [ Primary Email ]
nmalekgh (AT) uwaterloo (DOT) ca

۵ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «github» ثبت شده است

موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 04 December 22 ، 19:47

This text document (which is a .c file format only for fancy markup by default) is a quick intro to VIM editor that could be very useful both as a mini cheat sheet and a guide to start using it at an intermediate level without any previous knowledge.

BONUS: Also a very quick intro for TMUX is available under the "miniTMUX.txt" file.

Check it out here!

موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 17 June 20 ، 08:40

NetBill Protocol in Theory

What is NetBill? [From Original Paper]

NetBill is a system for micropayments for information goods (digital commodities) on the Internet. A customer, represented by a client computer, wishes to buy information from a merchant’s server. An account server (the NetBill server), maintains accounts for both customers and merchants, linked to conventional financial institutions.

The NetBill Transaction Model [From Original Paper]

The NetBill transaction model involves three parties: the customer, the merchant and the NetBill transaction server. A transaction involves three phases: price negotiation, goods delivery, and payment.

NetBill Transaction Model

Download Implementation From Github With Detailed Explanations

Implementation Of NetBill Protocol

In this project me (Navid Malek) and my fellow friend Reza Rahimi implemented most of NetBill transaction protocol, including:

  • Transaction Protocol

Paper Sections

3.2. The Price Request Phase

3.3. The Goods Delivery Phase

3.4. The Payment Phase

  • Error recovery (Not enough balance, Courruption, No access, etc.)
  • Pseudonyms Protocol

Paper Sections

4.2. Pseudonyms

  • Access Control Mechanism

Mini Access contol app not According to paper


Our main focus was to implement the protocol, so the approach we take was to use intermediary files that act as Sockets; hence, for various steps of protocol istead of writing data into socket and read from it, we have used files. In the next section, I have provided more details about the files and codes presented.

How To Run

  1. run the following command in terminal: git clone

  2. run the codes

Here are various scenarios which I've ran the code from a fresh clone of repository.

Some scenarios include: with/without pseudonyms, with/without access to buy, with/wihtout NetBill account, with/wihtout enough credits to buy a commodity.

Download Implementation From Github With Detailed Explanations

موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 03 October 19 ، 08:45

Download From Github With Explanations

Various limited documents from my work tools when I used to work as DevOps Engineer, these are basic usage and limited testing results ( because I don't have the premission to publicize the full documents that I have written for my work )


ETCD_CLUSTER.pdf ==> Setting up an ETCD cluster


• setup an etcd cluster on 3 servers

• write appropriate service to be sure ETCD will be always running

  • ETCD version ==> 3.3.9

  • server OS ==> CentOS7

The related ansible code are in the mycontrolansible directory.

LizardFS.pdf ==> Setting up LizardFS and testing it


• setup simple LizardFS master on one server

• test LizardFS performance on 3,5,7 chunk servers (HDD)

• test LizardFS performance on SSD

  • LizardFS version ==> 3.12

ProxySQL.pdf ==> Set up and testing ProxySQL


• setup ProxySQL load balancer on one server

• configuring ProxySQL

• test the performance and load balancing of ProxySQL with SYSBENCH

• setup ProxySQL architecture with no single point of failure

telegrafLogparser.pdf ==> Using Telegraf to Parse Custom Logs


• read custom logs with telegraf

• parse custom logs with telegraf

• generate an output from custom logs to influxdb

The TIG stack [ telegraf, influxdb, grafana ]

DatabaseTestDoc.pdf ==> Testing Database response time

We will test 4 databases ( this doc is very limited and acts as a road map for more professional tests ):

RDB: -mysql -postgres

No-SQL: -mongo -cassandra

GrafanaPrometheus.pdf ==> Setup Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring (very basic)


• setup Prometheus server

• setup Prometheus exporters

• setup Grafana server

• setup Grafana dashboard

GalleraCluster.pdf ==> Setting up a MySQL Gallera cluster (very basic)


• setup an MySQL Gallera cluster on 3 servers

• write apporopiate service to be sure MySQL Gallera cluster will be always running

  • MySQL version ==> 5.7

  • MySQL-wsrep ==> 5.7

  • server OS ==> CentOS7

TCP_tune.pdf ==> Some TCP tuning parameters that i have gathered form internet ( this is a messy doc, just gathered information from Internet, for more info on TCP_TUNING refer to my blog! )


Download From Github With Explanations

موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 30 September 19 ، 08:58

This is clone from Googles Firebase, done purly in HTML and CSS without anything else ( even Javascript).

The goal was to :

  • improve pure HTML CSS capabilities (without frameworks and libraries like bootstrap) 
  • Responsive Design from scratch 
  • Improve inspect element capabilities
  • Read leading website developers UI code (here Google)


navid malek
reza rahimi



the Real website:




The Fake:


موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 12 April 18 ، 00:37