Navid Malekghaini's Personal Blog

My personal weblog for sharing and storing some of my activities related to computer science over the internet

Navid Malekghaini's Personal Blog

My personal weblog for sharing and storing some of my activities related to computer science over the internet

Navid Malekghaini's Personal Blog

Navid Malekghaini

Senior Software Engineer @ Intelligent Cloud Infrastructure Laboratory
Prev. Research Engineer @ University of Waterloo x Orange Telecom

University of Waterloo
Department of computer science
200 University Ave W, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada

contact me
navidmalekedu (AT) gmail (DOT) com [ Primary Email ]
nmalekgh (AT) uwaterloo (DOT) ca

۱۶ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «linux» ثبت شده است

Part 1.1

Adding simple system call to kernel from scratch



First create a directory named linuxSRC to download linux source, and Change directory to the folder:


mkdir /linuxSRC
cd linuxSRC


after that you should first download the linux source, inorder to download every source on the package repository of ubuntu you should go to your package list ,You need to uncomment the deb-src lines in the main file /etc/apt/sources.list not the extra files in/etc/apt/sources.list.d:
open software & updates
go to ubuntu software tab
check source code
save and exit


after that you should get your current version linux kernel and build dependencies:



mkdir newKernel
cd newKernel


now download the linux source and decompress it:



sudo apt-get install linux source
tar xjvf /usr/src/linux-source-<yourversion>tar.bz2

now go to the specified folder bellow :



now open syscall_64.tbl or syscall_32.tbl (based on your system)(i use 64)

at the end add your hello syscall after the last number (here 333), with the following format, save and exit.

from here the tutorial have images, so I've created a nice PDF document with screen shots to download.


موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 11 July 17 ، 06:42

in these series of tutorials i want to play with Linux kernel and Loadable Kernel Modules (LKM) along with getting basic information about kernel architecture and system calls (part 1) , proc file system and processes information's (part 2), these tutorials are adopted from my operating system's class project.

there are two major parts as i mentioned before:

  1. Linux kernel (focusing on system calls)
  • Building kernel from source with adding a simple system call
  • Finding specified devices information and necessary functions to implement them
  • How to implement the system call and user space program to get info on specified drivers from kernel

     2. Loadable Kernel Modules (focusing on Proc File system)

  • Implementation of simple “hello world” module and run
  • Finding specified information and necessary functions to implement desired module
  • Implementation of desired kernel module and user program


  • Ubuntu version: 16.04.2 (recommended not required)

  • Linux kernel : 4.x.x

  • Internet connection

  • about 30 or 40 gigabytes of space (first part)

  • lots of time for compile ! (first part)

i will start from the simple system call in the next post.

موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 11 July 17 ، 06:12