Navid Malekghaini's Personal Blog

My personal weblog for sharing and storing some of my activities related to computer science over the internet

Navid Malekghaini's Personal Blog

My personal weblog for sharing and storing some of my activities related to computer science over the internet

Navid Malekghaini's Personal Blog

Navid Malekghaini

Senior Software Developer @ Arctic Wolf
Prev. Senior SWE and Resaercher @ Huawei Canada, University of Waterloo x Orange R&D

University of Waterloo
Department of computer science
200 University Ave W, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada

contact me
navidmalekedu (AT) gmail (DOT) com [ Primary Email ]
nmalekgh (AT) uwaterloo (DOT) ca

Computer Architecture Teaching Assistant

Thursday, 5 October 2017، 10:46 AM

Hi, previous semester i was teaching assistant for Computer Architecture, in both Sharif University of Technology and International Campus, the course lecturer was Prof. Hamid Sarbarzi-Azad, one of the best professors in university in hardware field.

As a TA, In this course we (TA team) had designed a project for students.

The project is about implemention of a fictional CPU named: azad's fictional cpu


Major features of CPU:

  • Pipelined in 5 stages
  • data hazard handling has bonus grade
  • Memory is implemented by TA team to test your CPU (implemented in verilog language)
  • for Control Unit both counter implemention (shematic) or State machine is accepted

Supported Operations:

  • arithmetic and logical
  • immidiate data
  • mov and swap
  • memory access
  • branch

Unfortunately the language of project is persian